martes, 13 de diciembre de 2016

Sysdate sql server

Returns a datetime2(7) value that contains the date and time of the computer on which the instance of SQL Server is. ESTE TEMA SE APLICA A: sí SQL Server (a partir de 2008) sí Base de datos SQL de Azure sí Almacenamiento de datos SQL de Azure sí Almacenamiento de.

I need to use sysdate in both Oracle and SQL Server, but SQL Server. Notice that the OrderDate column specifies GETDATE() as the default value. As a result, when you insert a row into the table, the current date.

Tip of the Day : Convert Oracle Math Functions to SQL Server Math Functions. What's the equivalent of Oracle's SYSDATE in SQL Server? What's the equivalent of Oracle's NVL function in SQL Server?

What's the equivalent of Oracle's SYSDATE function in SQL Server? The SYSDATE function is used to retrieve the current database system time in Oracle. The SQL Server equivalent of SYSDATE is GETDATE.

The function requires no arguments. In distributed SQL statements, this function returns the date and time set for the operating system of your local database. Sometime something so simple skips our mind.

I never knew the difference between GETDATE and SYSDATETIME.

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